Phytochemicals for Cognitive Enhancement

Phytochemicals have gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential cognitive-enhancing effects. These natural compounds, derived from plants, have been found to have positive impacts on various aspects of cognitive function and alertness. In this answer, we will discuss some notable phytochemicals known for their cognitive enhancement properties.

One group of phytochemicals that has shown promise in cognitive enhancement is volatile monoterpenes. These compounds can be found in edible herbs such as sage (Salvia officinalis/lavandulaefolia) and peppermint (Mentha piperita). Research has demonstrated that single doses of these monoterpenes can improve cognitive function and increase alertness.

Another phytochemical with cognitive-enhancing properties is Ginkgo biloba. This plant extract is rich in diterpenes, which have been found to improve memory and cognitive performance. Studies have shown that Ginkgo biloba extracts can enhance attention, cognitive processing, and working memory.

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Ginseng, a popular herbal remedy, is also known for its cognitive enhancement properties. Ginseng extracts derived from plants like Panax ginseng and Panax quinquefolius contain triterpenes, which have been shown to improve cognitive function and attention. These extracts have also been linked to increased alertness and improved mental performance.

Bacopa monnieri is another plant extract that has been extensively studied for its cognitive-enhancing effects. This extract contains triterpenes that have been found to enhance memory, learning, and attention. Bacopa monnieri has also been associated with reduced anxiety and stress, further contributing to improved cognitive function.

It's important to note that while these phytochemicals have shown promise in enhancing cognitive function, the mechanisms behind their effects are still being studied. It's also worth mentioning that the alkaloids present in these plants may play a role in their cognitive enhancement properties by interfering with herbivore brain function.

In conclusion, several phytochemicals have demonstrated the potential to enhance cognitive function and alertness. Volatile monoterpenes found in sage and peppermint, diterpene-rich Ginkgo biloba extracts, triterpene-containing extracts from ginseng plants, and Bacopa monnieri extracts all show promise in improving various aspects of cognition. However, further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms and dosage requirements of these phytochemicals for optimal cognitive enhancement.


Kennedy, D.O. Phytochemicals for Improving Aspects of Cognitive Function and Psychological State Potentially Relevant to Sports Performance. Sports Med 49 (Suppl 1), 39–58 (2019).
